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For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
CHY5056 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This class deals electron configurations, crystal field theory, group theory and spectroscopic results for the transition metal complexes.
CHY5062 Advanced Analytical Chemistry Ⅱ 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Personal computers are used in lab for controlling instruments and data acquisition purposes. Interfacing work between PC and Instrument have been done in lad frequently. Digital theory, digital circuits, and PC interfacing will be introduced in this class. Average graduate student can easily complete this course.
CHY5063 Advanced Electrochemistry 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Theory concerning redox reaction of the solution species is covered. The classic theories of electrochemistry is discussed and concepts in new material reactions.
CHY5064 Advanced Instrumental Analysis 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Special topics in instrumental analysis such as Xray spectroscopy, surface analysis, thermal analysis, flow-injection analysis are covered in this class. Recent literatures are used for the class.
CHY5066 Advenced Environmental Chemistry 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Advanced Environmental Chemistry deals with atmospheric composition and behavior, energy and climate first, and then principles of photochemistry that has been one of major topics in Environmental Chemistry recently. With these backgrounds, atmospheric photochemistrym air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and the problems in the nuclear environment will be discussed.
CHY5067 Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry Ι 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This class is designed for the graduate students who did not have basics in polymer chemistry. Contents will enclose the history and back ground of the polymer chemistry first and the polymerization processes such as condesation reaction, free radical reaction, and ion polymerization reaction.
CHY5072 Spectroelectrochemistry 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Voltage, current, charge are the classic parameters in electrochemistry. The classic methods cannot produce information about the redox reaction at near the electrode surface at molecular level. In situ methods of UV/VIS, IR, Raman, X-ray spectroscopy are covered in this class.
CHY5073 Chemical Instrumentation 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Machines are utilized for measuring and analysis in modern chemistry. They are composed of transducer part which can detect the chemical change and convert the change into the electrical signal, signal processing circuit part, and recording medium part. Chemists should have knowledge about the structure and principles of basic circuits to improve the usage of machines. In this class "circuit theory for chemists" will be covered for average graduate students.
CHY5077 Thesis Research I 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
Research for the preparation of thesis of M.S. candidate students and lower level Ph.D. candidate students
CHY5078 Thesis Research II 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
Research for the preparation of thesis of M.S. candidate students and lower level Ph.D. candidate students.
CHY5080 Studies in Physical Organic Chemistry 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This lecture deals with the important recent advances in the field of physical organic chemistry. The students will present and discuss the results that are taken from the major journals. Topics included are studies in novel types of organic molecules and reactive intermediate, novel reaction mechanisms and novel techniques for the elucidation of reaction mechanisms.
CHY5081 Nucleic Acids Biochemistry 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This course aims to provide solid foundation of nucleic acid research, one of major areas of modern biological researches. The course deals with the basic concepts of structure and function of nucleic acids. It will also cover recent findings in new structures and functions, and new trends in diagnosis and drug discovery using nucleic acids.
CHY5083 Current Topics in Biological Chemistry 1 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This course is designed to train students to learn recent progress of biological chemistry from scientific literatures. Both review articles and research articles from selected current research topics in the rapidly evolving areas of biological chemistry will be covered. Selected areas of the course of advanced study varies to suit the interest and needs of faculty and students. Each topic considers the most recent advances in the particular field by analysing the recent literature, such as the structure and function of enzymes, metabolic regulation, nucleic acid, biochemistry, and analytical biochemistry.
CHY5084 Current Topics in Biological Chemistry 2 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
As a consecutive course of Current Topics in Biological Chemistry 1, this course continues to deal with review articles and research articles from the selected current research topics in the rapidly evolving areas of biological chemistry.
CHY5085 Nanocatalysis 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
In heterogeneously catalyzed reactions, solid nanostructures can be used as catalysts. Catalytic activity of nanostructures is often much different from those of the respective single crystal surfaces, which has been extensively studied in the past in surface chemistry. This lecture covers synthesis, characterization of electronic and geometric structures and catalytic activity of various nanostructures. In addition, principles of analysis tools of nanostructures will be discussed. Since catalytic activity is related to the surface structures, surface analysis techniques should be used, which will be discussed in this lecture.