2019 International Symposium for Convergence of Nano-based Science & Technology (ISCNST 2019)
- 2019-12-17
The Dept. of Chemistry and the Institute of Basic Science will hold [2019 International Symposium for Convergence of Nano-based Science & Technology (ISCNST 2019)]. Please participate in many of the students who are interested.
1. Theme : 2019 International Symposium for Convergence of Nano-based Science & Technology (ISCNST 2019)
2. Date : 2019. 12. 19. - 12. 21
3. Place : Grand Lecture Hall 330102, 1F, Chemistry
4. Hosted by : Dept. of Chemistry, Institute of Basic Science, SKKU
5. Overview and details of the symposium : Please refer to the attached file.