The College of Science offers a variety of international programs to future scientists to support them in developing global competency in study and research, from short-term study abroad programs at partner institutions in South Asian countries, to dual degree program in the States. It is one of our primary goals to get our students exposed to international education and research settings in order to foster globally-competent biologists, mathematicians, physicists, and chemists.
SCI-WORLD is a coined term, a combination of Science and World, for study and research abroad programs presented to the College of Science students exclusively, and administered by the College of Science either independently or collaboratively with the Office of International Relations.

Below is a list of offshore universities where SKKU College of Science students are able to participate in study and research abroad programs as of the academic year of 2016. Please note, the list of opportunities is subject to change every round of application, therefore, students are advised to contact the College of Science and ask for up-to-date information for the term you are applying for.
Summer Programs
One of the most important aspects of science education is to provide laboratory internship programs to undergraduate students for valuable hands-on experiences of research activities. It is our firm belief that it will be even better if those opportunities can be given overseas for dynamic global engagement and research activities.
The programs below are some examples of our collaborations, and we are going to try to widen the scope of opportunities even further in the future.
Country | University | Program | Duration (approx.) |
Thailand | King Monkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi | International Internship Program | 2 months |
USA | Indiana University | International Summer Undergraduate Internship Program (ISURP) | 2 months |
Taiwan | National Taiwan University | NTU Plus Academy Summer+ Programs | 2 months |
UK | University of Edinburgh | UoE-SKKU Summer Laboratory Internship | 2 months |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong Baptist University | HKBU Summer Program | 2 months |
Turkey | Koç University | Undergraduate SummerResearch Program | 2 months |
Japan | Tohoku University | Tohoku University Science Summer Program(TSSP) | 2 months |

Regular Semester Programs
The student exchange programs that the College of Science offers are primarily focused on quality rather than quantity. In an attempt to provide chances of exposure to globalized learning and research environments, we provide a good number of student exchange programs in collaboration with international sister universities.
Students are exchanged on a semester basis to non-degree-seeking/credit-earning programs, and participants can take advantage of the opportunity to expand their academic and multi-cultural horizons through valuable experiences.
Country | University | Duration (approx.) |
Australia | University of Western Australia | 1-2 Semesters |
China | Beijing Jiaotong University | 1-2 Semesters |
China | Jiangnan University | 1-2 Semesters |
Denmark | Linnaeus University | 1-2 Semesters |
France | Biotech | 1-2 Semesters |
Germany | University of Wuppertal | 1-2 Semesters |
Japan | Tohoku University | 1-2 Semesters |
Netherlands | Radboud University Nijmegen | 1-2 Semesters |
Peru | Pontifical Catholic University of Peru | 1-2 Semesters |
Poland | Gdansk University of Technology | 1-2 Semesters |
Sweden | Umea University | 1-2 Semesters |
Taiwan | National Chengchi University | 1-2 Semesters |
Taiwan | National Taiwan University | 1-2 Semesters |
Thailand | King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi | 1-2 Semesters |
Thailand | Prince of Songkla University | 1-2 Semesters |

Dual Degree Program
The College of Science has jointly initiated dual degree programs with top international partners since 2012. Besides providing a top-tier, cross-institution education, our dual degree programs give students the added benefit of finishing their degrees in a relatively short-period of time, which is typically 4-4.5 years in total.
In addition, students who graduate with a dual degree often find that it helps to not only differentiate them in a competitive job market, but also provides the flexibility to switch professions, to explore new opportunities, or to pursue careers in related fields that demand skills spanning geographic boundaries.
Country | University | Program | Duration (approx.) |
USA | University of Texas, in Dallas | Dual Degree | 4 Semesters |